05 March 2010

At 39° it's Shorts & T-Shirt Running Weather

The blisters from Wednesday's run in boots, didn't bother me much at all. With the exception of charging up hills, as my heels would dig into my shoes quite a bit. But besides that they were okay, can't say for sure how I would've fared on a longer run?

All in all, I think the blisters are healing up just great and now my next run in boots should be a pleasant experience. Just like today, at 39° I decided to wear shorts and a t-shirt. And for the first time this year, I didn't feel like I was running in a monkey suit! Running pants, layers of shirts, hats, gloves, and etc...it gets old fast!

I was also able to keep my pace in the high 7mm range. Although, it was just a short 3-mile run, it's a step or two in the right direction! I sure hope it stays nice out for a while, like until next fall! Fortunately, I never rely on hope, we all see where that got us!

Gotta run,

Route:--Elev. Avg:869 ft
Location:Stoughton, WIElev. Gain:+0 ft
Date:03/05/10Up/Downhill: [+180/-180]
Time:11:39 AMDifficulty:2.6 / 5.0
39 F temp; 50% humidity
39 F heat index; winds Calm
Distance: 3.04 miles
Speed:7.7 mph
Pace:7' 45 /mi
Elevation (ft)
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
17' 30-0' 158.0+0.3-20 ft
28' 08+0' 237.4-0.4+43 ft
37' 39-0' 067.8+0.1-26 ft
end7' 13-0' 328.3+0.6+3 ft
Versus average of 7' 45 min/mile

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