Nice and cool, best of all there were no lightning bolts being wielded at me! Activity
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29 September 2009
No Lightning Bolts
27 September 2009
Dodging Lightning Bolts
![]() It was like Zeus the king of the gods was wielding lightning bolts at me! Moreover, it was anticipated danger as he has a hell of an arsenal. After the barrage of well co-ordinated strikes ended, the run was quite peaceful. Got my 20, Chris Activity
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Running in Edgerton
I went running with a friend in Edgerton this morning. I'm also feeling a lot better, I think it's gone; the helicopter that is. I need to run about 7 more miles tonight, but the weather is viscous! Activity
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Posted from |
26 September 2009
Fever Finaly Breaking
Well, I haven't run in awhile, I've been sick breaking out with a fever every time I turn around. I think I'm either getting over the Pig-Flu or the Thera-Flu. After dreaming about a helicopter hovering outside my window last night, I decided I needed to run. Sick or not I was going stir-crazy! I think I may still be a little stir-crazy? Stay away from coughers; what I had put me down! Bow if you have to, just don't shake a coughers hand they may have the Camel-Flu? Drink Orange Juice, Chris Activity
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Posted from |
16 September 2009
Sweatin' it out
I hope I don't have the PIG FLU, but I am sick as a dog. I haven't run since Saturday as I've felt a little under the weather. I thought that maybe I could sweat it out so I hit the road at a fast pace. I lost some steam after a mile and despite feeling like someone in a soup commercial, the run still felt good! I wish I had a thermometer. Jimmy Carter is a fool! How offensive of him to suggest such a thing! I don't care what race, or creed Carter and Obama are. I disagree with the both of them! Well, I've intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama does this make me racist? And my animosity towards him is because he's a fool like Carter and he's not black! Is Hillary Clinton racist? That's animosity! Moreover, is this movie racist? The bears appear to be white! Get over it, Chris Activity
Pace (min/mile) Splits
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12 September 2009
Feelin' Good
As stated in the subject I'm feeling good, no pain. I managed to shave a minute of my average minutes per mile. Moreover, I have over 40 miles out of the last 4 runs and I'm good for my 20 this week! Although I'm feelin' good it's hard to run faster, or lets just say I thought I was! Still I took it easy relaxed a bit and now I'm going to watch Ice Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs, unless your an anti-infringement agency! Now that I got how good it feels to run out of the way. I'm telling you it upsets me to no end; to hear POTUS talk about the crimes that were committed on 911. It was an Act of War, not a "Crime" what is happening? And this is GWOT the Global War on Terror not an "Overseas Contingency Operation." Thank God all my stuff says GWOT on it! I pray to God the tens of thousands that protested POTUS today represent America. It's said up to 2 million marched to the US Capitol. If not the Islamo-Fascist women haters, that are scared of the bottom of my feet, will have free reign on you! Don't take my word for it...POTUS has sicked Holder on the CIA. I'm disgusted at anyone who would call sleep depervation and/or water boarding torture. They are weak not built for the fight and will cry like little girls. Never forget may not be interested in the jihad, but the jihad is interested in you! They kill their own children for their radical beliefs; they'll kill you! If your a snake save a kitten, Chris Activity
Pace (min/mile) Splits
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