![]() Shoulder checked a ghost, Chris Limbaugh: Obama Is A "Threat To Liberty" - Full Video Activity
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Posted from runtracker.runnersworld.com |
31 October 2009
100 Miles for October
30 October 2009
Don't let the title fool you, lots of birds eat uncooked rice in the wild. Well, I set out at a decent pace, but then my phone rang. After talking for a few moments; even though I was still chuggin' along at a good pace, I figured 6mm's were out. Besides, it was windy as all hell like Pali Lookout (which I've been to many times). It is an awesome place to see and yes, more than 400 of Kalanikūpule's soldiers were driven off the edge of the cliff to their deaths 1,000 feet below. 6mm's next time, Chris Activity
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Posted from runtracker.runnersworld.com |
29 October 2009
6 Minute Miles
Well, the first one was in the 6mm range. Looks like I ran out of steam and I was trying kinda hard. Hey, it did start to rain and the head wind coming back had gusts over 20 mph. I also had a 24oz Sparks before the run; nevertheless, excuses aside, sooner or later I'll be able to run 6mm's consecutively. It's tough check out this guy trying to run a 6mm. Enough about a 2.2 MILE RUN, how about $2.2 MILLION A WORD with a handpicked audience for the unveiling ceremony of "1,990 Pages Of Bureaucracy". Next time, Chris Activity
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Posted from runtracker.runnersworld.com |
27 October 2009
Mile Repeats Course
Tonight, I ran a test lap of a great route for running mile repeats. As you can run a fast mile with a full recovery mile (and not have to look at GPS). It's a short 2 mile warm up run to the 1 mile loop. I ran this loop on my 3rd mile tonight. It's just boring running it alone, with a buddie theirs competition to run faster on the fast laps; then on the slower lap you can catch back up or vice versa to start out the fast lap again for the competition! Still not a bad run, very relaxing and that 1 mile loop is great with minimal elevation change. If I can find a faster runner to run it with (e.g., Adam). It's a great way to build up speed to run faster miles. Feed your dog well, Chris Activity
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Posted from runtracker.runnersworld.com |
24 October 2009
Nobel Peace Prize
I don't have much to say about this run, so I'd like to offer my apologies to the four people that read my running blog. However, while running tonight something jogged my memory...the recollection was like a vivid dream I couldn't out run it. Tonight in 2006 I watched Flags of Our Fathers and even can recalled the 9:00 show time because, we were in a hurry to get to the theater. I was on leave from far away and remember wearing Oakley boots and a pair of Oakley combat gloves (as it was cold out or maybe, I was used to the heat). Hell of a movie, I'll never forget that week in a haunting kinda way! ![]() What am I rambling on about? If I were a dog I'd be a melancholy, but seriously the Nobel thing is true; I would've won it, but Al Gore beat me to it. Gore was every bit as as deserving as Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan or Yasir Arafat. It would've been nice to win such an esteemed award, after all I had hope. Never rely on hope, Chris Activity
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Posted from runtracker.runnersworld.com |
20 October 2009
Headed For The Hills
I headed for the hills; the biggest hills this town has to offer. I thought hard all day what route had the steepest inclines and this was it. While I was running, the only one that felt steep was the first one by the river; it just wasn't long enough. What’s more, this is a good run to improve speed so I thought mile repeats. Well, once again, modified; after the warm up with the hills, I just never took a break (a drop in pace) in between miles, and just kept increasing my pace (that's my modified repeat part). Not the correct way to run repeats, but my comfort pace is a low 8mm, so this run does help my speed. Although, I should run a high 6mm recover with a low 8mm and so on...that would really help for increasing speed. To the hills, Chris Activity
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